First Baptist Church of Fort Davis
111 S. Agave St.
Fort Davis, Texas
Pastor: Paul Harst
Youth Pastor: Parker Smith
Love God, Love People, Make Disciples
Matthew 28: 16-19
Join us...
Sunday: 9:45 am Sunday School (All ages)
(Nursery available - infants to 4-year-olds)
11:00 am Morning Worship
(Nursery available - infants to 4-year-olds)
4:00 pm Youth Bible Study
4:00 pm Evening Bible Study
Tuesday: 10:00 am Ladies' Bible Study
(Spring and Fall sessions)
Wednesday: Noon Prayer Lunch
Wednesday: 6:30 pm Bible Fellowship FD (Nursery available - infants to 5-year-olds)
Kids' Bible Study (grades 1-5)
(Spring and Fall sessions)
6:30 pm Youth Group @ The FORT
(grades 6-12)
2nd Saturday: 8:30 am Men's Prayer Breakfast
Contact Us
First Baptist Church of Fort Davis
111 S. Agave Street
PO Box 809
Fort Davis, Texas 79734
Office Hours: Monday - Wednesday, Friday
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Phone: (432) 426-3989