First Baptist Church of Fort Davis
111 S. Agave St.
Fort Davis, Texas
Pastor: Paul Harst
Youth Pastor: Parker Smith
Prayer. March 27 - April 17 (Thursday evenings), join Pastor Paul between 5:30 and 6:30 pm for prayer in the sanctuary. You may come at any time and stay as long as you would like. We are praying for our Resurrection Sunday Service.
Ladies' Spring Bible Study. Beginning Tuesday, March 18 at 10:00 am, the Ladies will begin their Bible Study on the Book of Esther. Were you created "For Such a Time as This"? Join the ladies as they explore this question with video teachings form Kelly Minter for this study of Esther. Contact Cathy Rhudy or the church office for more details.
Youth Bible Study. The youth have started an Immerse Bible Reading Group. In just 16 weeks, the students who participate will have read through the entire New Testament. Contact Parker Smith for more information.
Sunday Afternoon Bible Study. Sunday Bible Study meets at 4:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. We are doing an expository study of Revelation.
Fifth Sunday Potluck. We have a fifth Sunday this month and will have our traditional potluck after the worship service! Please plan on staying and enjoy the fellowship and the food. All are invited to bring a meat dish, casserole, side, salad, or dessert to share.
Prayer Requests. Cara Merrill is our prayer ministry leader. If you have Cara's contact information, you can reach out to her directly via phone or email to ask for prayer. You can also contact the church office via email or fill out a prayer request card available in the sanctuary.
Prayer Lunch. Join us in the Fellowship Hall on Wednesdays at noon as we pray for our church, our community, and our nation. We welcome all to bring a sack lunch and share your prayer requests, petitions, and praises as a family of believers.