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                         Pastor's Corner 


                                                        The Time is Now


Many of you have never heard of the name Robert Lee Raney, much less know him.  Last April, Robert came to our church on a Wednesday night asking the youth that were here early if the Pastor was around.  They quickly pointed me out and that is when I first met Robert.  He told me that he was having chemotherapy in Odessa and had stayed at the Hope House there during treatment.  He had just moved to Alpine a week before and his mail had not caught up with him yet. Long story short, he needed help with gas, food and rent and asked if the church could help.  I gave him a few bucks that I had on me for some food and to buy a little gasoline.  I told him if he came back the next day the church could give him some more money.  He went to the Wednesday night Bible study and everyone was very nice to him.  He came back the next afternoon and the church deacons agreed to help him out.  When I presented the check to him, Robert began to cry.  I asked if I could pray for him, and he agreed.  He was blown away at the generosity shown by our church family. 


Fast forward to August.  Robert came back on a Wednesday night.  He looked horrible for he had just come back from Odessa from more treatment.  He asked me to come to his vehicle where he presented to me a beautiful painting that he did of our church which is now on display in the hallway by our library.  He wrote on the back of the painting “To the good people of the First Baptist Church of Fort Davis, Texas.  Thank you for your kindness you showed a stranger.”


Robert and I stayed in touch from then on.  He would call to see how the church was doing and give me a report on his health, which was rapidly deteriorating. He never would ask for anything at all but conversation.  Back in late January of this year when the temperature dropped below 9 degrees, the heater in his home stopped working and he asked if I knew anyone that might be able to help him out.  I called our own Brian Jarratt who without any hesitation fixed Robert’s heater.  Robert called me on Thursday the 20th to thank me again for being there for him.  Saturday the 22nd, Robert passed away in his sleep.  But the night before he passed away, he left a note on his table that was found by his neighbor.  It read “To the good people of First Baptist Church of Fort Davis…thank you for your great kindness.”   Somehow, he knew his heart would give out soon.  I have no doubt that Robert is now with the Lord and giving a good report of First Baptist Fort Davis.


Church family, the time is now to always be kind to one another.  Proverbs 3:3-4 tells us “Do not let kindness and truth leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.  So you will find favor and good repute in the sight of God and man.” Your kindness can bring beauty to one’s day!


Pastor Paul

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